Friday, 24 May 2013

Post Production


These are a few renders that I had to paint over at the end because the jacket
that I made for the malcolm rig broke when the character was in some positions
so I spent 33 hours, from 4pm wednesday evening to 1am early hours friday morning
with no sleep painting over each frame and I did 728 of them in total.

Another thing I did was to change the appearance of the background characters by changing the hair, clothes and slight facial features so that they all didn't look the same.

Overall Town

I finished the town and textured it, now I've textured it im not happy with it. Texturing is not my thing but someone had to do it, its the same when I've drawn pictures I like then coloured them I dont like them anymore, I tried to keep the textures as basic as possible, plus that was the style that jordan wanted.
After I finished the town I deleted all the polygons that couldn't be seen to save on the render time, In all I think I deleted around 30,000 polys that weren't needed.